Women's Empowerment Circles

Heart-to-Heart Online Support for Women All Around the Globe

Women’s Empowerment Circles

Our Purpose:

  • Provides a safe haven for women to express our voices with confidence and to explore the true desires of our hearts and souls.
  • Builds strength and courage to recognize our own truths and the beauty and power of who we are as women.
  • Offers unconditional love and compassion, so we can experience the power of self-love and gain self-esteem to pursue our goals.
  • Supports women who yearn for sisterhood and want to support other women.
  • Empowers women to grow spiritually in daily life, guided by our own feminine wisdom.

To help you determine whether our Circle would serve your needs, it may be beneficial to understand that our Circles are not:

  • Coaching, therapy, or advice sessions.
  • A Girls Coffee Club to chit chat and vent about our lives.
  • Networking opportunities to promote our businesses.

Women’s Circle Experiences

Daya, San Francisco

I really love the weekly support that reminds me to take care of myself and helps me to get in touch with my own inner wisdom, by dropping down from my head to my heart.

Luz Helena, Portland –

I am so inspired after our Circle because I felt really supported with what is present for me. I appreciate so much what each women brought to the table. It is such a blessing of supporting my path and that of others.

Muktida, San Diego

I love this, I can’t find this anywhere else; it merges my own desire for growth in a safe space where I can mention Amma and feel understood. I am becoming much more compassionate with myself, trusting my own inner voice and feeling much more self-confident and supported
MA Center, 10200 Crow Canyon Road,
Castro Valley, CA 94552



Women Empowerment


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